jade roller

Gua Sha and Jade Roller, Which One is Better? How to Choose?

When it comes to gua sha and jade roller, two beauty tools, it’s hard not to associate them. Also as facial beauty equipment with a long history in China, they both rose up in the same period and appeared in front of people. They are always inextricably linked. So which one is better between them? […]

Gua Sha and Jade Roller, Which One is Better? How to Choose? Read More »

When it comes to gua sha and jade roller, two beauty tools, it’s hard not to associate them. Also as facial beauty equipment with a long history in China, they both rose up in the same period and appeared in front of people. They are always inextricably linked. So which one is better between them?

How to Use a Rose Quartz Roller and Gua Sha?

Rose Quartz Roller and Gua Sha So, you’ve bought yourself a rose quartz roller and a Gua Sha, or you’re thinking of getting yourself a set. If not, at least you’ve seen them on social media and you’re wondering “what’s the hype?” Still, thinking “how can I use stones to benefit myself”? Well, don’t worry.

How to Use a Rose Quartz Roller and Gua Sha? Read More »

Rose Quartz Roller and Gua Sha So, you’ve bought yourself a rose quartz roller and a Gua Sha, or you’re thinking of getting yourself a set. If not, at least you’ve seen them on social media and you’re wondering “what’s the hype?” Still, thinking “how can I use stones to benefit myself”? Well, don’t worry.

Gua Sha Vs Jade Roller | How to Use Gua Sha and Jade Roller

You may have seen about two beauty tools, gua sha and rollers, on social media such as Instagram or youtube. These two traditional Chinese beauty tools with a history of thousands of years are now making waves in facial beauty. So what’s the difference between these two facial beauty massage tools? How to use it?

Gua Sha Vs Jade Roller | How to Use Gua Sha and Jade Roller Read More »

You may have seen about two beauty tools, gua sha and rollers, on social media such as Instagram or youtube. These two traditional Chinese beauty tools with a history of thousands of years are now making waves in facial beauty. So what’s the difference between these two facial beauty massage tools? How to use it?

How to Use Face Massage Roller – Best Jade Roller for Face Massage

The beauty industry has tons of gadgets: LED masks, at-home IPL systems, and facial cleansing brushes, to name a few. But it’s the facial roller that’s been making waves lately for its ease of use, puffiness-removing abilities, and a very Instagram-friendly aesthetic. Usually made of crystal (think: rose quartz or jade), face rollers are handheld

How to Use Face Massage Roller – Best Jade Roller for Face Massage Read More »

The beauty industry has tons of gadgets: LED masks, at-home IPL systems, and facial cleansing brushes, to name a few. But it’s the facial roller that’s been making waves lately for its ease of use, puffiness-removing abilities, and a very Instagram-friendly aesthetic. Usually made of crystal (think: rose quartz or jade), face rollers are handheld

Gua Sha Vs Jade Roller – Are Gua sha and Jade Roller the Same Thing? 

Gua sha vs jade roller? One of the most common questions we get (and Google gets) is the difference between Gua Sha and Jade Roller – a fair question since they are both products you use on your face and seem to produce similarities the result of. We’ll break down the core differences between the

Gua Sha Vs Jade Roller – Are Gua sha and Jade Roller the Same Thing?  Read More »

Gua sha vs jade roller? One of the most common questions we get (and Google gets) is the difference between Gua Sha and Jade Roller – a fair question since they are both products you use on your face and seem to produce similarities the result of. We’ll break down the core differences between the

white jade kit

Other Uses Of Jade Roller

Jade roller on spa Many certified estheticians and massage therapists have caught on the trend of jade roller due to their efficacy in their treatments. For a holistic facial, have your facialist use a chilled jade roller while applying treatments to help them penetrate the skin while offering a breadth of other benefits that have

Other Uses Of Jade Roller Read More »

Jade roller on spa Many certified estheticians and massage therapists have caught on the trend of jade roller due to their efficacy in their treatments. For a holistic facial, have your facialist use a chilled jade roller while applying treatments to help them penetrate the skin while offering a breadth of other benefits that have