How to Make a Crystal Healing Aromatic Energy Mist

crystal aromatherapy
crystal aromatherapy

Now that you’ve made the gemstone essence, you can take it a step further by using the Mixing Vibration Tool to create the Aroma Energy Spray. Water, crystals, essential oils, flower essences, holy water – all these tools come together to help you focus on fulfilling your wishes. First, be sure to establish a clear intent for the mix (this is always the most important thing). My best concoctions are created or inspired out of necessity. For example, maybe you know someone who works a little too hard and needs to pay more attention to self-care. You can make a mix for this! Or maybe you know someone who needs to boost their self-esteem or increase their joy in life. You can make a mix for this too! You can make mixtures for others and for yourself.

Choose Crystals for Your Crystal Healing Aromatherapy

healing crystal
healing crystal

You will have to decide which gems in your gem collection you are willing to “give up” in order to infuse you with gem water or mixed gems. When treated gemstones are soaked in water and/or essential oils, the polish or finish may change or the color may bleed. Natural gemstones may also leach color, soil or minerals. After mixing them together, the stones will most likely never look the same. Therefore, to make gem essences, it is best to set aside certain crystals and leave them in the jar for future use. Remember, never drink water that has been steeped in stones or added with essential oils. Collect your crystals and gems according to the intent you established for the mix. Again, use your intuition and this book as a guide. If you want to combine the vibrations of certain colors, here is a brief description:

  • Black, brown and metallic gemstones will add protection and grounding power.
  • Red and orange stones can help increase motivation, action and abundance.
  • Yellow gemstones are good for self-confidence and happiness.
  • Green and pink rocks add more love to the mix.
  • Various shades of blue gemstones can calm, reduce anxiety and improve communication skills.
  • Purple crystals help to transform and transform challenging or negative situations.
  • Transparent and white gemstones bring clarity and the ability to see life from a wider perspective.

Choose Essential Oils for Your Crystal Healing Aromatherapy Diffuser

Essential oils have powerful properties on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. I have been freed from mental, emotional and spiritual challenges through the experience of essential oils for therapeutic use (aromatherapy) and I have seen similar results in my clients. Aromatic plants have played an important role in health, beauty, food preservation and treatment for thousands of years, with written records dating back to around 3500 BC.

The antiseptic, antibacterial, and antiviral properties of essential oils have been used to prevent disease for centuries. Numerous current scientific studies support the ability of essential oils to block a wide variety of microorganisms that cause bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases. While this isn’t a book on aromatherapy, essential oils are the perfect complement to your work with crystals. They work on an energetic level, rebalancing us mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. When we are feeling down, they can lift our spirits and clear out negative thought forms and mental debris.

When using essential oils, it is important to pay attention to any contraindications to the instructions for the essential oils. There are many types of oils to choose from, so there’s no need to use one that may not be right for you, especially one that’s harmful to a particular group of people.

Choose a Floral Fragrance for Your Mist

Unlike essential oils, floral essences do not contain chemical components derived from plants, bark, roots, etc. Instead, flower essences come from the energetic vibrations of plants, trees, or flowers. The therapy offered is to realign the emotional and mental bodies through the use of intent. No training is required to use the popular line of flower essences Bach Flower Therapy; all that is required is the ability to understand oneself or others on a spiritual and emotional level. Instead of going to someone else and telling them what they need, I advise people to discover for themselves which essence is best for them. Brochures, brochures and other guides can help you determine which serum or serum collection is best for you at this time.

crystal healing chakra
crystal healing chakra