Lymphatic Massage: What is It and Who Should Try It?

lymphatic massage
lymphatic massage

What is Lymphatic Massage?

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage, also commonly known as MLD Massage, is a gentle massage that promotes the flow of lymph throughout the body. The body’s lymphatic system naturally removes waste products from tissues, and the lymph nodes help destroy bacteria, viruses, and other harmful microorganisms as lymph fluid passes through. When lymph fluid builds up in the body, it can cause general discomfort, swelling, and even certain health conditions. Lymphatic drainage massage can help the body detoxify by stimulating tissue to remove lymphatic accumulation without compressing blood vessels.

During a Swedish massage or deep tissue massage, the therapist focuses on putting pressure on the muscles to create an overall sense of relaxation. During a lymphatic drainage massage, a certified therapist will instead use a rhythmic series of sliding, compressing, stretching and cupping movements to help the lymph flow through the tissues and lymph nodes. Many lymphatic drainage treatments are also easy to do at home.

Benefits of Lymphatic Massage

Although MLD was originally developed in the 1930s to relieve symptoms of lymphedema, a common side effect of cancer chemotherapy and radiation therapy, it has grown in popularity over the years. Lymphatic drainage and massage techniques are still used in the medical world to treat conditions like fibromyalgia, but MLD is also now highly sought after by the public for its many health benefits. Some of the benefits of regular lymphatic massage include:

  • Pain and soreness relief
  • Reduces digestive problems and discomfort
  • Balance hormone levels
  • Treats skin conditions such as acne and rosacea
  • Reduce cellulite
  • Relieve seasonal allergies and headaches
  • Reduce the impact of jet lag
  • General detoxification and stress relief

While this type of massage can help relieve symptoms, MLD can also exacerbate certain conditions. People with congestive heart failure, blood clots, kidney problems, circulatory problems, or certain other medical conditions should consult their doctor before undergoing MLD massage therapy.

Many beauty and skin care routines use elements of lymphatic massage, utilizing jade rollers and scraping tools to help stimulate and move fluids around the face. Facial lymphatic drainage techniques can help reduce puffiness and make you look younger.

What to Expect During a Lymphatic Massage

A certified massage therapist can perform lymphatic drainage massage. During treatment, your therapist will use very light pressure and long strokes to encourage lymphatic movement. Treatment may focus on key areas of the lymphatic system, such as the neck, armpits, abdomen, and buttocks. Your therapist may also work on organs that can benefit from MLD massage, such as the liver, kidneys, lungs, and digestive tract.

Lymphatic massage is often used in conjunction with other gentle massage modalities to enhance the therapeutic effect, such as Reiki energy therapy, myofascial relaxation, and acupressure.

You may feel tired or tired after MLD treatment, so it is best to schedule extra time off after treatment. Wear loose-fitting clothing for the rest of the day and be sure to drink plenty of water before and after your appointment to prevent lymphatic stagnation.

You can Try These Gua Sha massage Tools

At home, we can also try some simple lymphatic massage exercises by ourselves, such as massage the neck, chin and under the ears. Selecting some suitable tools can promote the effect of lymphatic massage to a certain extent. It is recommended that you try these tools. They come from the traditional Chinese medical method – scraping. It is often used as a tool for lymphatic massage in China.

Rose Quartz Gua Sha Stone

rose quartz gua sha jade
rose quartz gua sha jade

A lymphatic guasha massage tool made of quartz material. This kind of tool is very popular in the market and is very popular on Instagram and Tiktok. The appearance is very popular, and the price is also within the acceptable range for most people.

Green Jade Gua Sha Stone

Lymphatic Massage
Lymphatic Massage

Compared with the gua sha board made of quartz, jade is a more traditional material. In China, jade is considered a spiritual stone and has a certain degree of healing properties.

Stainless Steel Gua Sha Stone

stainless steel gua sha
stainless steel gua sha

Stainless steel gua sha plate has not been used in scraping field for a long time, and it is a new type of material. Compared with quartz, jade and other materials, the most significant advantage of stainless steel is its stability. In terms of efficacy and stability of appearance, it is superior to the scraping board made of stone.