Can Gua Sha Reduce Double Chin? About Gua Sha Truth

double chin
double chin

Frankly, a double chin (also known as submental fat) occurs when another layer of fat forms under the chin (via Healthline). It’s often something we’d rather get rid of, and there are plenty of potential ways to do it, from liposuction to skincare (via Women’s Health).

However, some people are more successful than others – knowing what to trust can be tricky. You may have friends who swear by a specific exercise or pretty makeup trick, but what if you want to try something else?

This brings us to Gua Sha, a traditional practice that originated in ancient China. This is something Chinese women have been practicing for years, and you’ve probably heard that it’s good for getting rid of a double chin. However, is this true? Here’s everything you need to know about whether scraping is really effective in reducing double chin.

Gua Sha Reduce Double Chin, Really?

gua sha reduce double chin
gua sha reduce double chin

In short, yes. Gua Sha can effectively remove a double chin (via Inspire Uplift). …you just need a scraping tool. Just scrape gently along the skin – this stimulates blood circulation, moving and clearing stagnant lymph.

All you need is a gua sha tool. Simply scrape along the skin – this stimulates blood circulation, moving and clearing stagnant lymph. Meanwhile, by using the roller next to the scraping tool, you can slim down by tightening pores and boosting collagen production.

Collagen helps improve elasticity, and the more elastic your skin is, the less likely it is to sit under your chin. Even triple chins can be reduced using gua sha, so it’s worth trying this natural method before going for a more radical solution—it might be worth a try.

Or, is scraping good for the neck?

In Chinese medicine, scraping is believed to promote blood and qi. The most common conditions and symptoms treated with Gua Sha include: Back pain. Neck tension.

Is scraping bad? Generally, scraping is considered safe. However, you may experience some bruising or discoloration on your skin. You may also experience pain and tenderness for a short time after treatment. You should not take it if you are taking medicines to treat blood clots.

What is the Cause of the Double Chin?

In addition to pathological reasons, the biggest cause of double chin is obesity. Obesity causes excess fat to accumulate in the chin and neck, resulting in a double chin.

Can I Get Rid of Double Chin Completely with Gua Sha?

The answer is no, if you just want to rely on scraping, and not resort to other methods. As we said earlier, most people’s double chin is caused by the accumulation of fat, which is obesity. Although scraping can promote your metabolism and eliminate double chin to a certain extent, it cannot directly remove your adipose tissue, so if you only rely on scraping, it cannot completely remove your double chin.

How to Get Rid of Double Chin?

The most direct expression of removing a double chin is to lose weight, remove the fat, and the double chin will disappear naturally. I think you’ve heard a lot about how to lose weight, and in a nutshell: exercise more and control calorie intake. When you burn fewer calories than you consume each day, your fat tissue slowly melts away.

In addition to exercise, you can use scraping tools to promote weight loss at this time. It boosts your body’s metabolism and increases the rate of your energy expenditure.


Can gua sha reduce double chin?

The answer is yes.

Can gua sha remove double chin completely?

The answer is no, scraping can only play an auxiliary role, it cannot completely remove the double chin.

Here are some questions that might concern you:

1. Does gua sha have side effects?

Gua sha has almost no side effects

Because this treatment involves rubbing or scraping the skin with a massage tool, tiny blood vessels that exist near the skin’s surface can rupture. This can sometimes lead to skin bruising and minor bleeding.

2. Do you feel nauseous after gua sha?

Usually not. However, if you experience striated symptoms after Gua Sha, such as increased pain after treatment, fever, dizziness or pressure, and increased heat or redness of the treated area, we recommend that you seek medical attention as soon as possible.

3. Is gua sha better than Botox?

As the dangers and negative long-term effects of Botox begin to surface, Gua Sha is replacing it as the new natural facelift. Instead of freezing fine lines and numbing facial muscles, Gua Sha creates new pathways for blood flow and nutrition to soften signs of aging and support youthful skin over time.